Vantuuh is an upcoming brand with sustainable african textiles and accessories.
 The Dwarfware logo is inspired by the ancient butterfly shaped Proto-Germanic d-rune called dagaz. Dwarfware connects modern design with Nordic cultural heritage - in the logo with a simple typography-twist.
 Design of the visual identity including logo for the Icelandic arctic-char aqua farm Klausturbleikja.
    Kirkjubæjarstofa  founded in 1997 is a Center of Research and Learning in the fields of nature, history and culture of the community of Skaftárhreppur in Iceland.   Kirkjubæjarstofa  has been involved in archaeological research, has arr
   Award winning logo for the Saarland School Museum in the German town of Ottweiler. What do you see? A face, a cheerful building or a teacher leaning over a pupil?
 Award winning logo for the Theatrical Club of Fljótsdalshérað which is based in the town of Egilsstaðir in north-east of Iceland. The town is surrounded by a unique forested landscape and one of Iceland largest lakes.
   The company Lagnatækni, Consulting Engineers, specializes in consultation and design of HVAC systems. With vast experience in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems the company is involved with projects in almost all a
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